
ROCKBOND ADMIX 301 (RB A301) powder is a blend of chloride free admixtures which has been specially designed to accelerate the early strength development of Portland based cementitious materials. The admixture can be dry mixed with Portland cement, or added to the mix water of cementitious renders, mortars, floor screeds and non flow concretes. The admixture rapidly accelerates the early strength development of non flow cementitious materials at 20ºC, and produces an early strength development at low temperatures. The powder is ready to use, is packaged in 25kg moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of 2 years.


Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • HAC and chloride free: contains no deleterious substances.
  • The finished product will not readily flow, slump, or suffer plastic settlement.
  • Will produce high early strength, non flow materials for spray applications.
  • Will accelerate the early strength development of cement based materials at low temperatures.
  • Combines with, immobilises and neutralises chloride or sulphate ions.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce quick strength, quick drying, site batched, renders, mortars and concretes at 20ºC.
  • To accelerate the early strength development of cementitious materials at low temperatures.
  • For use in high build applications, and to minimise slumping and bleeding.
  • To speed up application and finishing time during winter weather work.
  • For use in cementitious materials to repair concrete in tidal situations, marine defences and offshore environments.
  • For addition to site batched mortars for the laying and pointing of bricks and blocks at low temperatures, or during winter weather work.
  • For use in reinforced concrete where corrosion of steel is a problem.
  • To produce non flow sulphate and chloride resistant reinforced concrete.

Product Information Sheet:


ROCKBOND UNDERWATER ADMIX 2401 (RB UWA2401) powder is an unique blend of admixtures which has been specially designed to produce cementitious grouts and flowing concretes for underwater applications. The compound contains a system of superplasticizers, anti washout agents, chloride free accelerators, stability aids and other ingredients to prevent wash out and segregation under pressure and pumping. The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of 5 years.


Special Properties

  • The complete admixture for accelerated underwater flowing cementitious materials.
  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling and dosage.
  • Minimises “fog” or dispersion when poured and placed underwater.
  • Extremely stable, and will not breakdown, segregate or bleed.
  • Readily pumpable, and stable under pressure.
  • Produces accelerated cementitious materials which will resist wave action at an early age.
  • Contains no deleterious substances harmful to aquatic life.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce cohesive, mobile, and free flowing, quick strength, underwater materials that are self smoothing and self compacting when ambient temperatures are low.
  • To produce cementitious materials that are washout resistant when brought into contact with water or running water situations.
  • To produce accelerated underwater grouts and concrete from site batched materials.
  • For use in concrete for the underwater void filling of seawalls, harbours, quays and jetties.
  • Concrete repairs to marine structures that have to resist wave action at an early age.
  • For use in flowing cementitious materials for the quick repair and consolidation of water retaining structures, dams, culverts, pillars and piers.
  • To produce quick strength concrete to prevent abrasion from mechanical attack and scour.
  • Materials for waterlogged foundations, anchorages, pilings, conduits, pipes and sewers.

Product Information Sheet:

ROCKBOND UNDERWATER ADMIX 2301 (RB UWA2301) powder is a unique blend of admixtures which has been specially formulated to produce non flow, accelerated underwater mortars and non flow concretes.  The powder contains a system of anti washout agents, accelerators, stability aids and other ingredients to prevent wash out and segregation under pressure.  The compound is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of 5 years.

Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Minimises “fog” or dispersion when poured and placed underwater.
  • Extremely stable, and will not breakdown, segregate or bleed.
  • Readily pumpable and stable under pressure.
  • Produces accelerated cementitious materials which will resist wave action at an early age.
  • Contains no deleterious substances harmful to aquatic life.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use


  • To produce non flow, cohesive, accelerated underwater mortars and concrete from site batched materials when ambient temperatures are low.
  • To install concrete structures and sea defences in the tidal zone when time is short.
  • Concrete repairs to marine structures that have to resist wave action at an early age.
  • To produce chemically resistant, durable underwater mortars and concretes.
  • For use in concrete for underwater void filling of seawalls, harbours, quays and jetties.
  • For use in the quick repair of water retaining structures, dams, pillars and piers.
  • Materials involved with waterlogged foundations, anchorages, pilings, conduits, pipes and sewers.

Product Information Sheet:

ROCKBOND UNDERWATER ADMIX 2201 (RB UWA2201) powder is a blend of admixtures which has been specially formulated to mix and produce high strength underwater grouts and concretes. The powder contains a system of anti washout agents, water reducing agents, stability aids to prevent segregation under pressure, and a compressive strength enhancer. The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of five years.

Special Properties

  • The complete admixture for underwater flowing materials.
  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Minimises “fog” or dispersion when poured and placed underwater.
  • Extremely stable, and will not breakdown, segregate or bleed.
  • Readily pumpable, and stable under pressure.
  • Will not retard at higher dosages.
  • Contains no deleterious substances harmful to aquatic life.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce quality underwater grouts and flowing concretes from site batched materials.
  • For use in ready mixed concrete for flowing underwater applications.
  • To produce cementitious materials that are washout resistant when brought into contact with water or running water.
  • To produce cohesive, mobile, and free flowing underwater materials that are self levelling and self compacting.
  • To produce high strength concrete to prevent abrasion from mechanical attack and scour.
  • To produce chemically resistant, durable marine grouts and concretes.
  • Freshwater and seawater concrete repair and protection.
  • For use in concrete for underwater void filling of seawalls, piles, harbours, quays and jetties.
  • For use in flowing cementitious materials for concrete repair and protection, and the consolidation of water retaining structures, dams, pillars and piers.
  • Materials for waterlogged foundations, anchorages, pilings, conduits, pipes and sewers.

Product Information Sheet:


ROCKBOND UNDERWATER ADMIX 2101 (RB UWA2101) powder is a blend of admixtures which has been specially formulated to produce non flow underwater mortars and concrete. The powder contains a system of anti washout agents, stability aids and other ingredients to prevent wash out, slump and segregation under pressure. The powder is ready to use, packaged in 25kg durable moisture proof sacks, and has a shelf life of 2 years.


Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Minimises “fog” or dispersion when poured and placed underwater.
  • Extremely stable, and will not breakdown, segregate or bleed.
  • Readily pumpable and stable under pressure.
  • Will not retard at higher dosages.
  • Contains no deleterious substances harmful to aquatic life.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce non flow underwater mortars and concrete from site batched materials.
  • To produce cementitious materials that are washout resistant when brought into contact with water or running water.
  • To produce chemically resistant, durable underwater mortars and concretes.
  • For underwater concrete repair and protection.
  • To produce mortar and concretes for underwater void filling of seawalls, harbours, quays and jetties.
  • For use in the repair of water retaining structures, dams, pillars and piers.
  • To produce underwater cementitious materials involved with waterlogged foundations, anchorages, pilings, conduits, pipes and sewers.

Product Information Sheet:

ROCKBOND ADMIX 801 (RB A801) powder is blend of waterproofing and water reducing admixtures that has been specially designed for use with Portland cement grouts and flowing concretes. The compound, when mixed with cementitious materials, dramatically reduces the passage of water and aggressive chemicals through the pores and capillaries of the hardened cement. The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of five years.

Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Readily dispersed and incorporated into cement and concrete mixes.
  • Produces grouts and concretes that are self compacting at low water/cement ratios.
  • Reduces the air content, bleeding, segregation and shrinkage of flowing materials.
  • Will increase the compressive, tensile, and mechanical strength of cementitious materials.
  • Produces dense, weatherproof, waterproof, impermeable and durable concrete.
  • Reduces carbonation in concrete, and attack by atmospheric pollution and acid gases.
  • Improved resistance to sulphate, chloride and chemical attack.
  • Enhanced protection against adverse weather conditions, and prevents frost attack.
  • Prevents staining, microbial growth and efflorescence.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • For use as an admixture for site batched flowing mixes to waterproof mass concrete, structural concrete, concrete foundations, tunnels, culverts and pipes.
  • To waterproof water retaining structures, dams, reservoirs, tanks, swimming pools and water handling and storage facilities.
  • To prevent dampness in underground concrete, brick walls, cellars and basements.
  • To protect concrete against frost, weathering and adverse climatic conditions.
  • To protect concrete in ground water containing aqueous chemicals, sulphates and nitrates.
  • To protect reinforced concrete in marine environments from salt water and chlorides.
  • To produce flowing, high strength, waterproof cementitious materials.
  • To produce chemically resistant, durable grouts and concretes.

Product Information Sheet:


ROCKBOND ADMIX 901 (RB A901) powder is a blend of admixtures which has been specially formulated to produce non flowing mortars and concretes which are non shrink. The powder, when mixed with site batched Portland cementitious materials, will produce hardened renders, mortars and non flow concretes that are resistant to drying shrinkage. The compound will also minimise problems associated with shrinkage, such as cracking, crazing, curling, high porosity, reduced strength and limited durability. The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of two years.


Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling and easy use.
  • Quickly and easily mixed and dispersed in the mix water.
  • Produces cementitious materials that resist shrinkage, cracking and crazing due to the desiccation of the cement.
  • Prevents dusting, debonding, curling and loss of strength.
  • Promotes the self curing of renders, mortars and concrete: no need to apply curing agents.
  • Produces crack free cementitious materials that are impermeable, waterproof, weatherproof, durable and provide long lasting protection to steel.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce shrinkage compensated mortars and concretes from site batched materials.
  • To produce non shrink, ready mixed mortars and concrete.
  • To produce shrinkage compensated, crack free, weatherproof, waterproof cement renders.
  • To stop shrinkage and cracking of concrete in exposed situations, or in sensitive areas where curing regimes can’t be applied.
  • To eliminate shrinkage and cracking in floor screeds and slabs, car parks, taxi-ways, runways, roadways and motorway carriageway concrete.
  • For use in concrete to protect the steel from seawater and de-icing salts.
  • To produce crack free, chemically resistant, durable mortars and concretes.

Product Information Sheet:

ROCKBOND ADMIX 1305 (RB A1305) powder is a blend of special admixtures which has been formulated to retard the set of Portland cement based cementitious materials. The powder will increase the consistency life and will retard the early strength development of Portland cement renders, mortars and non flow concretes. The powder is ready to use, packaged in 25kg moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf live of 2 years.

Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Effective when either premixed with cement or quickly dispersed in the mix water.
  • Admix 1305 retards composite cements, including blends of Portland, microsilica, alumina, pulverized fuel ash and blastfurnace slag cements.
  • Will retard the early strength development of cement based materials at high temperatures.
  • Potent and efficient: can be used at low dosages.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • For applications where an increase in the workability life of mortars or non flow concretes are required.
  • To increase the time necessary to mix, pump or place mortars at 20ºC or more.
  • For use in hot climates or high temperature situations to prevent cementitious mixes from “going off” too quickly.
  • To retard the set of non flow cementitious materials.
  • For gunite and shotcrete spray applications in hot climates.
  • For use with ready mixed concrete which has to travel over long distances.

Product Information Sheet:


ROCKBOND ADMIX 1501G (RB A1501G) powder is an grey ultra fine cementitious powder which, when added to Portland cementitious mortars and concretes, radically improves the performance of the material in both its plastic and hardened states.  ROCKBOND ADMIX 1501G improves the consistency, strength and durability of non flow cementitious materials.  The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has an indefinite shelf life.

Special Properties

  • Rockbond Admix 1501G is grey and is designed for grey Portland cementitious mixes and Rockbond Admix 1501W is white and is designed for white Portland cementitious mixes..
  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for easy use and convenient handling.
  • Ultrafine: produces a fine blend of Portland cement.
  • Improves the performance of mixes containing Portland cement, blast furnace slag, PFA, various cementitious binders, slaked lime, aluminous and refractory cements.
  • Produces composite cements which are cohesive, thixotropic, non slumping, non-bleeding and dense.
  • Helps to prevent wash-out of the cement and breakdown of materials in underwater applications.
  • Enhances the tensile and compressive strengths of Portland cementitious materials.
  • Improves resistance of the hardened cement to vibration, impact and abrasion.
  • Reduces the porosity, increases the impermeability and durability of Portland cement materials.
  • Produces homogeneous, low chemically reactive, low alkali cements.
  • Eliminates alkali silica reactions, and reduces carbonation with Portland cement.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, odour free, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To improve the consistency and application rates of non flow cementitious materials.
  • For use to prevent bleeding and segregation, and for use as a pumping aid.
  • As an additive to produce high strength concrete for structural applications.
  • To increase the wear resistance of concrete floors and structures.
  • For use in concrete to protect steel from corrosion in chemically aggressive environments.
  • For marine concrete, chemical and fertiliser plants, food factories, dairies, and abattoirs.
  • To reduce or eliminate alkali silica reaction ASR (“concrete cancer”) in concrete construction.
  • For use in underwater concrete and underwater concrete repairs.
  • For durable concrete exposed hostile and extreme changes of climate.

Product Information Sheet:

ROCKBOND ADMIX 1701 (RB A1701) powder is blend of air detraining and defoaming admixtures that have been specially designed for use with Portland cement
mortars and non flow concretes. The admixture, when added to water and mixed with cementitious materials, reduces the air content and porosity of the mix. Furthermore, the compound increases the density and impermeability of cement and concrete which, in turn, produces stronger cementitious materials that are resistant to the passage of water and chemicals. The powder is ready to use, supplied to order, packaged in moisture proof, durable bags and has a shelf life of 5 years.

Special Properties

  • Can be packaged in water soluble bags for convenient handling.
  • Readily dispersed and incorporated into cement and concrete mixes.
  • Reduces plastic slumping, settlement, sinkage, shrinkage and cracking.
  • Increases the density and strength of cementitious mixes.
  • Produces weatherproof, waterproof, impermeable and durable concrete.
  • Reduces the rate of carbonation in concrete, and attack by acid gases.
  • Improved resistance to sulphate, chloride and chemical attack.
  • High yielding, economical, non flammable, non toxic, user friendly and safe to use.


  • To produce high quality, high strength site batched mortars and concrete that are dense and free of air.
  • For use in mortars and renders that have low cement contents and entrain air.
  • To maximise the ultimate compressive, tensile and mechanical strength of concrete.
  • To increase the wear resistance of concrete floors and structures.
  • For use in carriageway and highway concrete and concrete structures.
  • To produce non porous, impermeable concrete resistant to chemical attack.
  • For use in marine concrete, chemical and fertiliser plants, food factories and dairies.
  • For use in underwater concrete and underwater concrete repairs.
  • To eliminate surface defects in precast products such as “honeycombing” and “pin pricks”.